When you study with CINCILINGUA you have a one teacher to one student ratio. Every class and lesson is specifically tailored to the individual student’s level and needs. The teacher creates an environment that allows the student to build confidence in speaking. Many times a student may feel reluctant to speak because he/sh feels that his/her English is not “good enough”. Some students need a slower pace and others a faster pace. With a one-to-one ration, this can be achieved. One doesn’t have to feel frustrated because he/she feels behind or feels like they are wasting time going over things they already know.
Making your New Year’s Resolution Come True
Happy New Year!!! It is 2023 and with every New Year comes New Year’s Resolutions. Nothing is impossible if you set your mind to doing it. Throughout history there have been people that dared to dream big. In doing so they made big accomplishments. The telephone, automobile, and airplane all started with a dream. Being