
Making your New Year’s Resolution Come True
Happy New Year!!! It is 2023 and with every New Year comes New Year’s Resolutions. Nothing is impossible if you set your mind to doing it. Throughout history there have been people that dared to dream big. In doing so they made big accomplishments. The telephone, automobile, and airplane all started with a dream. Being

Used to; to be used to; to get used to
Used to; to be used to; to get used to There is a set of similar expressions that can cause problems for students of English: used to; to be used to; to get used to…. The first one, “used to,” is used quite differently from the other two, which are related. I think of them

CINCILINGUA’s Live & Learn Program – More Class Time Starting August 1, 2022
Starting August 1, 2022 we will begin to use a new schedule that will give students MORE class time. Students will have the focused morning class that will take place in the breakfast area of the hotel from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, and then there will be a 30 minute break from 12:00 PM to

Reasons to Study Online with CINCILINGUA
There are many reasons that someone trying to learn English as a Second Language should study Online with CINCILINGUA, but the main reason is because CINCILINGUA can help you improve your English in a short time. Are you too busy to travel to Cincinnati, Ohio USA to study with us in person? Don’t worry! Our

Teaching at CINCILINGUA is a Learning Experience
One of the best parts of teaching English at CINCILINGUA is the students. I may be teaching English, but the students have taught me things about logistics, petroleum production, writing financial reports, life in various countries and the special foods of each country. I have really learned a lot about topics that I had previously

Reasons to Study at CINCILINGUA in the Summer
Study with CINCILINGUA in the summer to improve your English and have tons of fun. You will study Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. After class you can complete your homework and then have the evening to explore Cincinnati. On the weekends you are free to enjoy summer at its best. Do

Elusive Sounds
Certain sounds seem elusive. All languages contain them and many are notoriously difficult to emulate. For example many Koreans and Japanese struggle with “R” and “L” sounds. In one dramatic example, a radio commercial has a Korean man attempt to correct an American’s pronunciation of the car “Hyundai”. After several attempts the Korean admits he

Teachers Make a Global Impact
Working at CINCILINGUA is an absolute delight. As an instructor, you can see progress in your students right away. You realize that what you are doing has a global impact. Students return to their countries having experienced the United States through you. Meeting people from other countries is exciting. You get to experience their country

Watch Out for False Friends!
You can’t trust them. They deceive you so easily. I’m talking about false friends! They may look like friends, but they’re not! Actually, I am referring to what are more properly known as “false cognates” – words that appear or sound similar in two different languages but actually mean something different. Actually, “actually” is one

What it is Like to Learn via the Live & Learn Training Program
This way of learning is different from traditional methods of language instruction. This program is rather intensive. For one thing, the student is immersed in an English-language environment. The percentage of Cincinnati residents who are monolingual, native-English speakers is quite high. When speaking with people in hotels, supermarkets, restaurants, and such, it is necessary that

The Present Continuous Tense in English
Greetings all. I’m back again, and as I promised last time, I’m going to write a few words about the present continuous (progressive) tense. This is an important tense because we use it in two different situations. Unlike the simple past and the simple present tenses discussed earlier, this tense (and all the other tenses)

The Present Tense in English
The primary use of the simple present tense is to express the notion of regular activity. We also use it to talk about present general situations. Like with the simple past tense, we normally don’t use a helping (auxiliary) verb when forming positive statements. However, a helping verb is necessary when forming negative statements and