What is Halloween?

Halloween is a celebration in the United States on October 31 every year.  Halloween originates from two ancient festivals, one to honor the god of death and the other to honor the god of the harvest.  The Halloween colors are orange and black.  Orange represents harvest and black represents death.

Halloween is now celebrated by many children and some adults.  Children enjoy dressing up in costumes and going trick-or-treating in their neighborhoods on Halloween night.  Trick-or-treating is a custom in which the children go from house to house asking for candy.  Many houses are decorated with ghosts, skeletons, witches, black cats, and pumpkins.  These symbols represent the evil spirits that ancient people thought existed.  During the ancient celebration of Halloween the people wore costumes to protect themselves from the evil spirits.

Some adults also join in the celebration by watching horror movies and going to Halloween parties.  Children and adults also enjoy going to haunted houses.  A haunted house is a house inhabited by the spirits of dead people.  Some haunted houses are considered to be real and others are created as Halloween attractions.

If you are a student at CINCILINGUA on October 31, you too can join in the celebration of Halloween if you wish.



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