CINCILINGUA receives students primarily from various countries in Latin America. As the cold weather arrives in Cincinnati and soon winter will be here, many of them comment on how different the weather and temperature is from where they live. Some of them enjoy the contrast of cold temperatures. Others need time to adjust. However, all of the students are entranced by the snow. For many students it is their first experience with snow. It can be quite wondrous for them to see a blanket of white covering the city. It is also an opportunity to learn new vocabulary in terms of clothing and climate. Many of us who live in Cincinnati take the winter weather for granted. For those of us interacting with students, we have the chance to see it from a different perspective through their eyes.
Making your New Year’s Resolution Come True
Happy New Year!!! It is 2023 and with every New Year comes New Year’s Resolutions. Nothing is impossible if you set your mind to doing it. Throughout history there have been people that dared to dream big. In doing so they made big accomplishments. The telephone, automobile, and airplane all started with a dream. Being