Studying with CINCILINGUA is the SUPER BOWL Experience in Studying English

If you follow the National Football League (NFL) in the United States, you know that this week is Super Bowl Week.  In general, the Super Bowl is an occasion where most Americans have a party and watch the big game.  This year the people in Cincinnati are excited because it is our own Cincinnati Bengals that will be playing in the Super Bowl on Sunday against the Los Angeles Rams.

In the NFL the Super Bowl is a game with the two best teams of the season in the final championship game to see which team is the BEST.

Many people study English as a Second Language.  Some study in High School, some have a private tutor, while others take a class at a Language School.  Studying at CINCILINGUA is like studying with the Super Bowl Champs in the world of languages.

CINCILINGUA has been in business for 50 years.  It started in 1972 and throughout the years has earned the reputation of being the best way to learn English.

Everyone in Cincinnati would love for you to tune in this Sunday evening to watch our Cincinnati Bengals win the Super Bowl.  Everyone at CINCILINGUA would love for you to come to Cincinnati to improve you English.

We hope to see you soon!


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