Exposure to Different Cultures

One of the most enjoyable aspects of teaching for Cincilingua is the experience of cultural diversity, to use the current term.  In a single day, I might converse with someone from Costa Rica, Japan, and France. It is fascinating to hear about their countries’ customs and daily life.  One thing I learned early on, for instance, is that there is not one culture in Latin America, but rather a countless array of them: different ways of speaking Spanish, numerous indigenous languages and customs, different degrees of European influence, different mentalities, etc.  Mexican culture (or cultures) is not the same as Argentine, nor is a Costa Rican the same as a Colombian.  In Brazil, someone from Rio de Janeiro may have a different outlook from a “Paulista” from Sao Paolo.  I find all of this so enriching for my own life, and I will never be finished learning about the great diversity of cultures both within Latin America and, of course, around the world!


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